We are happy to announce that the Proceedings of DRS Learn X Design 2019: Insider Knowledge is now ready for download.
Thank you all for your contributions. We hope to see you at the next Learn X Design conference!
The book of Abstracts is now available for download: DRSLXD_2019_ABSTRACTS
Please visit our workshops webpage at http://drslxd19.id.metu.edu.tr/workshops/ for the new conference workshops.
We regret to inform our delegates of the cancellation of Workshop 5 THE DYNAMIC SYLLABUS: PARTICIPATORY PRACTICES IN THE STUDIO CLASSROOM by Denise Golzales Crisp and Nida Abdullah, due to health issues preventing travel.
The Conference Programme is now announced!
Check out who‘s talking about what, when and where…
No accommodation left on campus. Please visit our “Travel & Accommodation” page for downtown hotels from which we have obtained special rates.
Gabriela Goldschmidt, Zeynep Çelik Alexander and Halime Demirkan announced as the keynotes for the DRS Learn X Design 2019 conference (drslxd19.id.metu.edu.tr/keynotes/).
Author notifications for paper status will be on the week of 8-12 April 2019.
Second Call for PhD Pit-Stop Proposals
The first batch for PhD Pit-Stop proposals have been evaluated and the researchers have been notified. We have participating PhD researchers from various design disciplines including industrial design, interior design, visual communication design and architecture. The diversity of design disciplines represented and the topics covered in the proposals are truly exciting. We would like to further strengthen the number of participants in each discipline and research interest so that we may engage a large number of supervisors and experts.
We would now like to make our second round of call for the PhD Pit-Stop event. This is a whole-day event that will take place on the 9th of July 2019, Tuesday. This day is followed by the conference presentations between 10-12 July. On the evening of the PhD Pit-Stop day will take place the conference welcome reception.
Deadline for PhD Pit-Stop applications (second round): 12 April 2019, Friday
Notification of Acceptance for PhD Pit-Stop applications (second round): 16 April 2019, Tuesday
Download PhD Pit-Stop application form: DRSLXD19_PhDPitStop_ApplicationForm
Submit your PhD Pit-Stop application to: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DRSLXD2019/
Author notifications for full papers are now open!
Download camera-ready paper template: DRSLXD19_Camera Ready Paper_Template
The deadline to submit the camera-ready paper is 18 March 2019, Monday. The deadline to submit the camera-ready paper with major revisions is 22 March 2019, Friday.
Download conference registration form here: DRS LXD 2019_REGISTRATION FORM
PhD Pit-Stop Day: 9 July 2019, Tuesday
Deadline for PhD Pit-Stop applications: 18 March 2019, Monday
Notification of Acceptance for PhD Pit-Stop applications: 25 March 2019, Monday
Download PhD Pit-Stop application form: DRSLXD19_PhDPitStop_ApplicationForm
Submit your PhD Pit-Stop application to: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DRSLXD2019/
Deadline for workshop proposal submissions: 18 February 2019, Monday.
Download workshop submission template: DRSLXD19_Workshop_Template
Submit your workshop proposal to: drslxd19@metu.edu.tr
Full paper submissions have ended on the 30th of December 2018, and currently the paper review process is ongoing. We have a large number of contributors from 27 countries, representing 88 institutions, thank you all for your interest in our conference!
DRS Learn X Design 2019
Fifth International Conference for Design Education Researchers
“Insider Knowledge”
9-12 July 2019
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
DRS Learn X Design conference series are part of DRS Special Interest Group in Design Pedagogy (PedSIG) and organised with local partners to widen participation in the promotion and dissemination of design pedagogy research. We are excited and proud to announce that DRS Learn X Design 2019, the 5th International Conference for Design Education Researchers will be hosted by Middle East Technical University (METU). The year 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the first course on industrial design offered in Turkey at METU Faculty of Architecture by the American industrial designer David K. Munro. 2019 also is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Industrial Design as a separate undergraduate programme at METU.